1. Beatrice
    10/03/2017 @ 07:27

    How can the French ambassador to Cameroon say things seem to be going fine in the north west and south west when the Anglophone problems have not been solve.instead Mr biya has millitarize the north west and south west province.
    An answer to solving the problem according to him.


  2. ndolloz
    10/03/2017 @ 11:16

    Colonial dictator Biya see the French as superior masters, many human lives are lost in an ailing, poor railway and roads , systematic army and police brutality, killings, torture towards it’sown citizens internet seizure in two regions which is not only a communication barrier but also trade for the entire country, a civilised French ambassador’s stated that the country is doing fine, he cannot even have the decency to visit and see for himself, what is happening in these two troubling regions,a double standard minded ignorant colonial past, who cannot accept such human atrocities in France yet promote in a third world countries by promising more money to smooth over guilt and sufferings of the people, unfortunately when any country offer money to the Biya government, which goes in their own personal account, they will want to crush anyone who want change which will undermine their personal financial gains.


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