Germany: Cameroon Catholic Community celebrates priest’s 25th anniversary
Fr Norbert Dudek celebrated the 25th anniversary of his priestly ordination on Friday May 20, 2022 at Schwelm Parish.
The Propst of Schwelm and the parish communities, including many Cameroon Catholic Community parishioners in traditional clothing, joined in the celebrations.

Before being the Provost of Ennepetal, Grevenberg and Schwelm Parishes, Propst Dudek was Pastor at the Saint Mariae Rosenkranz in Muelheim until 2013-the reason why members of the Cameroon Catholic Community answered present in Schwelm.

The special Eucharistic Celebration was characterized with an entrance procession and a distinct lectionary procession led by the Catholic Women Association, Queen of Peace branch, Cameroon Catholic Community at the St. Mariae Rosenkranz Muelheim an der Ruhr Germany.

Whereas this event would have been that of praise showering , show-casing of achievements and perhaps a moment of personal aggrandizement, Propst Dudek in his natural simplicity used the day to evaluate himself if he has been worthy of his vocational challenges and his relationship to others.

In his homily, he made it clear that he´s just human and called on to be human, despite life´s challenges. To him hope in God doesn´t mean to wait for better things but to have the trust in God irrespective of the outcome – good or bad. He mentioned that in the 25 yrs of vocation he has made numerous experiences with people of different backgrounds and descent, yet he continues to learn. He reiterated the need to think outside the box, to look at something beyond one´s horizon and to be open to new things. A homily that was full of proverbs but one caught the attention of this reporter as it was emphasized – “Mut zurLücke”.

The German phrase Mut zurLücke means, being able to let go. Accepting that things can go wrong, but that there is every reason to believe that the worst will not happen. Here Propst Dudek invites us again to accept the trials of being a Christian and that things may not always be the way we expect them to be.
Propst Dudek is the spiritual founder of the Cameroon Catholic community in Mulheim. He opened the doors to his Parish in October 2009 and this gave birth to the Cameroon Catholic Community.
Immediately after the final blessing, members of the Cameroon Catholic Community surprised him with a symbolic gift.
Revered Father Dudek appreciated immensely the attendees and invited all visitors to the parish hall and garden for refreshment. It was surprisingly plenty.
By Tambe Tanyi in Schwelm