MOHWA: those who have engineered its crash are simply on their last leg!
Though the Bible warns those who have ears to be careful with false prophets, many MOHWA followers who pass off as churchgoers are simply not heeding the advice which their own benchmark document provides.
The truth is that false prophets always provide consolation while those in pain need solutions. MOHWA’s problems need long-lasting solutions which may help restore the beleaguered organization’s image which has taken a snake beatings over the last few months but yesterday a message of questionable origin put short-lived smiles on the faces of the beleaguered MOHWA members.
The fact is, a false prophet’s announcement of his weightless support will neither cause the group that wants to stop Comfort Beyang from ever coming to Europe from undertaking its actions against Comfort Beyang nor will it cause the accusations of financial malfeasance, embezzlement and intimidation to go away.
The rule of thumb for people with the right mindset is that when things fall apart, a thorough introspection should be conducted so that such unfortunate situations do not show up again. But with MOHWA, despite the overwhelming evidence and the numerous defections and breakaways, MOHWA leaders hold that the storm will be over and they will continue business as usual.
MOHWA will never be the same again and those who have engineered its crash are simply on their last leg as the pressure is still on. More defections and accusations imply that the mess runs deep and it might not be cleaned up anytime soon, especially as the cleanup crew comprises those who have robbed the organization blind.
But the accusations are not yet over. The storm has become a category nine hurricane and it is very likely to sweep away whatever little trust MOHWA has.
According to a source in Europe who was a member of the defunct MOHWA Europe, an official financial statement of money sent directly to Comfort Beyang before she dissolved MOHWA Europe will be released soonest and the Cameroon Concord News will be handed a copy.
The source added that CFAF 2 million had been wired to Comfort Beyang directly and according to the source, Comfort Beyang had not accounted for that money, adding that with MOHWA Europe hastily dissolved, it is obvious that the money ended up in her pocket as no MOHWA records carry that amount of money.
True to her philosophy, Comfort Beyang and her surrogates organized a kangaroo court session where her protégés were given the opportunity to make their complaints but the accused were never contacted despite complaints from the accused and a decision to set up a committee for that purpose. And all of this was done to ensure that the money wired to her would never be accounted for.
The source also added that Comfort Beyang was supposed to return the money and all attempts to recover the money have been futile.
Meanwhile, a massive fight is brewing within MOHWA as it is emerging that Martina Agbor Tambe has been nursing ambitions to take over as the next president of MOHWA.
According to a source in Cameroon, Martina Agbor Tambe like many other MOHWA members has been supporting the mess engineered by Comfort Beyang as a means of ensuring that she crashes.
Naive as she is, Comfort Beyang has been leaning on the wrong support and most of those supporting her in public privately admit that she has worked so hard to destroy a once buoyant MOHWA.
Her greed and manipulation have blown up MOHWA into pieces and no effort will ever restore the organization’s former reputation, especially if Comfort Beyang continues to (mis)lead MOHWA.
The coming days will be very challenging for MOHWA. The much awaited report from Europe will be yet another piece of evidence which will only go a long way in calling into question the honesty of Comfort Beyang and her surrogates who many thought could steer MOHWA to safer shores.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
Group Chairman and Editor-in-chief
Cameroon Concord News Group