Moderator Fonki Samuel overwhelmed by support from Presbysterians
The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon has been overwhelmed by the support from the Christian community following the case brought against religious leaders by the so-called Consortium of Parents in Southern Cameroons. Moderator Fonki Samuel Forba and the three Roman Catholic Bishops of the Buea Province of Southern Cameroons were dragged to court by a group of pro Biya Francophone political elites in an attempt to stifle the Anglophone uprising.
The Moderator was at the Buea High Court today and said the support the church leaders have had has been tremendous. Fonki Samuel observed that Presbyterians have been so kind and this has affected the whole nation. The Moderator addressed all those who were present in the courtyard and noted that it was a big help to know that so many people were thinking about the leadership of the PCC. He pointed out that Jesus will eventually win the battle for the Cameroonian people.
The court premise in Buea was completely packed for the greatest trial in West Cameroon history. The huge congregation that showed outside the court in Buea demonstrated how important the Moderator is to Presbyterians. It was particularly hard for the younger Christians as many including Moderator Fonki were openly weeping. Christians have held many gatherings of their own in support of the Church leaders.
The Moderator said there were so many Presbyterian Christians he wanted to thank; stressing the PCC greatly appreciated all the help and support and that their places were in the sky.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
Cameroon Intelligence Report
05/06/2017 @ 23:47
Very shameful indeed that a nation will take the church to court.